Caregiver Arrested For Elder Neglect and Abuse

Caregiver Arrested For Elder Neglect and Abuse

Elder Neglect and Abuse

A North Lauderdale woman caregiver was recently arrested for leaving an elderly woman suffering from dementia alone for hours in a hot bathtub. The caregiver is facing charges of elderly neglect and neglect of a disabled adult with great harm. Although Violet Green, 58, the accused, claimed the woman with dementia had been on the tub for only 20 minutes, Margate police say that she had been left there for around four hours. The woman was found sitting in the bathtub by her daughter after she returned home. She was treated for blisters on her legs at the burn unit at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

What Is Elder Abuse?

Elder Neglect and Abuse

WHO defines elder abuse as “a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person”. Elder abuse can take various forms such as financial, physical, psychological, and sexual. It can also be the result of intentional or unintentional neglect. Generally speaking, elder abuse is a term that refers to any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult’s mental, physical, or emotional health. Elderly abuse can happen when a vulnerable elder is deprived of nutrition, medication or medical treatment, shelter, clothing, money or financial support, supervision, etc. it can also include lack of adequate or appropriate action by a caregiver to provide the supervision, services, or care required by elderly persons to maintain their health. It also includes the exploitation of money, assets, or property of an elderly person.

Statutes in Force against Elder Abuse in Florida

Elder Neglect and Abuse

Several laws in Florida protect elderly persons from neglect and abuse. The statutes include civil actions for the recovery of misappropriated assets and criminal sanctions.

Florida Statute 413.101 – This statute acknowledges the need for protective services by some people due to age or disability.

According to the provisions of this statute, these individuals are placed at par with other citizens concerning their rights and need to be protected from exploitation, neglect, and abuse.

Florida Statutes 825.101 and 825.103 – These statutes describe what is meant by exploitation, neglect, and abuse of an elderly or disabled person and also provide for criminal penalties for offenders.

Florida Statute 415.1111 – This statute permits the filing of a civil action suit by an elderly vulnerable person who has been abused, neglected, or exploited.

Florida Statute 415.1034 – This statute all healthcare providers as well as spiritual healers, social workers, criminal justice workers, or anyone else to report abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults. The statute also affords protection from retaliation by those being reported for suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an elderly person.

Why You Should Take the Help of an Elder Care Attorney?

If you or a loved one have been abused, neglected, or exploited by someone, it may be possible to file a civil claim for compensation against the responsible person. Medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more can be included in the compensation claim.

The experienced attorneys at Lavalle, Brown, Ronan & Schwencke, P.A., have many years of experience in protecting the rights of clients and can be of assistance in moving the court for compensation for elderly abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Call today to schedule a free consultation.