Archive for 'Criminal Defense' Category
Jun 1, 2016

A driver’s license suspension can significantly disrupt your life. Not being able to legally drive means you will have to rely on other drivers or on public transportation to get you to work, school, medical appointments, to pick up your children, or to other important obligations. Unfortunately, the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles department […]

May 25, 2016

When you think of criminal charges, you may initially think of common crimes including theft, driving under the influence (DUI), or assault or more serious offenses such as murder or robbery. However, criminal charges can arise from a wide variety of situations and, in recent years, several different individuals in Florida have been charged with […]

Apr 20, 2016

Once an individual pleads guilty to a criminal offense or is found guilty by a jury at trial, they may believe that their case is closed and there is no longer the need to have the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. However, even if a person is convicted, one of the most important […]

Dec 23, 2015

When authorities believe an individual has committed a crime, they submit the case to the prosecutor’s office to decide whether or not to file criminal charges against the individual for the alleged offense. Our criminal defense attorneys recognize that prosecutors have wide discretion in these situations and take that into consideration when handling your case. […]

May 6, 2015

Boca wasn’t exactly the Wild West during the 1960s of Ken’s youth. But nearly every kid in town did own a gun—a BB gun, that is. “What parent in his right mind would get their kid a BB gun,” he asks with a hint of faux outrage. Such pellet guns, of course, were as much […]

Mar 4, 2015

Too many individuals facing criminal charges may believe their only realistic option is to plead guilty and accept the penalties offered by the prosecutor or judge. In reality, however, there are many ways in which a defendant can try to have their case dismissed or be acquitted at trial. These are referred to as legal […]

Feb 6, 2015

Being charged with a crime can be an extremely confusing and frightening experience. Even relatively minor offenses can carry serious consequences, especially in cases where a defendant has a prior criminal history. These penalties can include significant fines, restitution, probation, and even jail time. Fortunately for people who are accused of criminal misconduct, there are […]