Jul 15, 2019

Many people are not well versed in the legal jargon of automobile insurance. In fact, we have found that knowledge about Personal Injury Protection or PIP is at best limited or worst non-existent. What customers should know when they purchase auto insurance is that Personal Injury Protection or PIP is a type of coverage that every driver in Florida is required to carry on their insurance policy. In terms of state law, it is a requirement that you carry a minimum of $10,000 coverage on every auto insurance policy. It is vital that you carry this insurance, not only because it is the law, but also because if you are in an auto accident, PIP covers a portion of your expenses. Coverage from PIP can include medical bills related to any injuries sustained in the accident, lost income if you can’t work, prescription medication prescribed for injuries and pain management, and mileage reimbursement of trips to your medical facilities for as long as you are receiving treatment.

Regardless of who is at fault in the accident, you can file a PIP claim with your own insurance company. If your policy does not cover you, don’t lose heart, you may still qualify for coverage by submitting a claim through a relative you live with who owns an insured vehicle or even as a passenger of an insured vehicle.
But what if you don’t have PIP insurance? Even if you don’t have PIP, you can and should seek medical attention for injuries received in an accident. You can then file a claim against the at-fault driver and receive compensation for your medical bills.

If you’ve ever had to deal with insurance before, you know that understanding your coverage and benefits can be difficult. Unfortunately, some insurance companies don’t offer much help and are only in the business of saving money instead of advocating for your best interest.

If you are feeling unsure about your automobile insurance coverage, contact our knowledgeable lawyers at BOCA LAW toll-free at 855-262-2529. We are happy to take you through the entire insurance process and make sure you get the benefits you deserve. Additionally, we help you explore your options so you can have peace of mind and make the right decisions. We strive always to have your best interests in mind and make sure you are well informed about your insurance options.